Bonnie Kissam, M.A. in Education
Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner® / Assistant Trainer, Licensed Massage Therapist
As a dancer, physical educator and trained massage therapist, I have always been fascinated by how the body works — and how to keep it working! In 1976, I was introduced to the work of body/mind pioneer Moshe Feldenkrais, D.Sc and found it so amazingly different than any other system I had experienced, I continued studying with Moshe Feldenkrais, D.Sc., in the Amherst Training, his last years of teaching in 1980-1981.
Academically I have received two Master Degrees; one in Physical Education/Dance (1973) and the other in Exceptional Student Education (2009). I taught physical education/dance in West Harford CT for 10 years.
Along with being a graduate of the Amherst Feldenkrais® Professional Training Program (1983) I became an Assistant Trainer [1996]. In 2009 I studied with Anat Baniel Ph.D. and her Method® of NeuroMovement for Children with Special Needs. I love watching the potential for natural development and growth be absorbed and utilized by each child and their families.
In 1993, I created the Effortless Swing® Approach for optimal golf, which uses sensory learning and other principles from The Feldenkrais Method® to maximize the ease and performance necessary for golfers to have more power and consistency in their golf game.
In 2018 I developed a 90 hour Certificate Program for professionals. TOUCH TO INFORM is a series of seminars for therapists [CEs for LMTs], educators and other professionals who want a deeper understanding of The Feldenkrais Method® and the ability to include these concepts as part of their practice.
The Lightness of Walking Program was created in 2002 and formulated for ONLINE learning in 2020 after years of seeing how so many of my clients with balance problems became so much steadier once they re-created a more optimal walking pattern.

With BonnieK...
You will
Re-connect with yourself through attention to how you move; how you breathe, sit, walk, lift your arm.
Learn to redevelop your kinesthetic sense and with curiosity, give yourself permission to explore new ideas, paths, and experiences.
You will
Reduce efforts so you can sense differences or variations and thus experience more options or possibilities.
Learn to Pause... Wait and allow new possibilities to evolve.
You will
Trust in what you sense and trust you can move past limitations when you expand your options in thought as well as action.
Become your own best agent for your lifelong health.
you can excel beyond what you think is possible.
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The Complimentary Experience is designed for you to get a brief introduction to Awareness through Movement® process and thinking as taught by BonnieK. You can just simply watch or participate to experience full benefits.
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