Introduction to
The Effortless Swing® Approach for Optimal Golf
4 Steps for a Consistent,
Effortless Swing
Off the Golf Course and without your club, learn how to disengage old patterns that interfere with your optimal swing, refine your balance when you learn to utilize the strength of your inner skeleton, and kinesthetically sense the connection from your foot to your club head while lying down! Take your golf swing to the next level so you can go to the next!
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Make 2025 Your Best Golf Year Yet -- Bonnie K
4 Steps for a Consistent Effortless Swing
FREE --Replay thru 12-22-24
Discover a kinesthetic learning approach and become aware of how you can enhance your swing and game significantly by doing less and sensing more. You learn to quiet your old, everyday patterns first off the golf course, in the privacy of your home. Then you establish a more balanced stance, easier arms and hands and a more centered mind-body, making it easy to produce consistent, effortless swings.
Come and learn about the unique process The Effortless Swing® Approach for Optimal Golf offers.