Functional Integration®

Individual sessions are personally designed for you. You can expect to lie down on a table or sit in a chair and explore with the practitioner, how you can expand your abilities and move with more ease, lightness and comfort. Bonnie first supports your holding patterns, helping them return to a neutral place, She makes nonverbal suggestions, for a new possibility, Your job is to listen kinesthetically to differences you sense as the lesson progresses You discover you have choices: to repeat the movements that irritate, stop doing any movements, or find another way. The benefits go beyond the physical.
BonnieK did not experience a Functional Integration® lesson before she entered the training program. She found, as many of her clients do, that a practitioners attention to her patterns offered another dimension to her possibilities.
As a practitioner for over 40 years, she supports old patterns then suggests, nonverbally, new possibilities which sometimes registers in the conscious mind and sometimes stays in the unconscious, such it did with her first experience of an Awareness Through Movement lesson.
Live, In Person Functional Integration® Lessons are by appointment:
Sarasota, FL Office:
Ionie’s, 1241 Fruitville Road, Sarasota, FL 34236 (view map)
St. Petersburg, FL Office:
8424 4th Street North, St. Petersburg (view map)
Any questions please call 941.360.2248 or email bk[email protected]
Click below to register:
Initial Consultation (75 min): $150.00
Individual Live Session: $115.00
ONLINE Coaching Sessions:
2 Sessions (with replays): $165.00 *
*less when enrolled in classes