The Feldenkrais Method® and Judo
The Feldenkrais Method’s History has roots from Judo:
- ***Video of a Judo master– full moves you might get in an advanced Feldenkrais Awareness through Movement Class
- Video of first assistant Mia talking about their experiences in Japan
- Story of Kano and Feldenkrais SEMIOPHYSICS – Interview with Moshe
** for the young and active, The Feldenkrais Method® isn’t all slow -and small. The idea is to go slow and discover how you can bend and participate in the full action of the possibility for rolling–no matter how small and slow.
** for those that say — “No way!”, Feldenkrais was always seeing potential and if you can start to soften areas while you visualize and kinesthetically sense the amount of bending — you will find yourself improving!
** for professionals — you want to see the enormous possibility your clients could have and then how to help through touch and knowing guidance. You can learn how to easily bring clients to improve their ability to safely bend and save their necks and backs– knees and hips!!
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